74 miles today
1,398 total trip miles
11.8 mph average
2,431’ climbing
FF - 5
MP - my in-laws Don (RIP) & Marie Prom. He was always easy to talk to - calm & thoughtful. Helped feed my interest in becoming a business owner & especially exposed me to working at trade shows (one of my joys in business). She has always had more energy than any 3 other people - raised 9 children & helped run multiple businesses they were involved in.
The headwinds return! The day started out overcast, which was fine, but a persistent 15+ mph headwind caused most riders trouble. I was again passing folks that I usually get passed by. After lunch we turned north, so the wind was less of an issue, but we entered Texas Hill Country, so most of our climbing happened then. Some riders thought today was the hardest day of the trip so far, but it seemed average to me. We are out of the desert, but we are in farm country, with lots of fields already growing grain. We also are seeing more flowers along the road.
I have noticed something interesting in the last week or so regarding biking styles of different riders. Some sit up straight on their seat & pedal at a consistent slow pace. Some actually sit crooked on their seat, almost like they are leaning to one side. One rider wobbles back & forth with every pedal stroke. The really strong riders have their head down with a fast & consistent cadence (I only see them from behind after they pass me). It also seems like the same riders leave camp early. They are often the strong riders who I rarely see on the road. There are some couples who pretty much stay together all day, with the faster rider hanging back & waiting for the slower one. There is one couple riding a tandem.
What about me? I usually am one of the last to leave camp (mornings are not my best time of day). There is one friend that I play leap frog with many days. He usually leaves a little sooner than me, but I ride faster, so I pass him. When I get to a rest stop or lunch, I take my time. He comes in after me, but usually leaves the stop before me. When I do get back on the bike, I pass him again. Depending on the day, we usually arrive at the destination within minutes of each other.
The other thing I notice is that almost every rider starts & stops pedaling a lot. Ruth taught me that it is more efficient to just keep pedaling, even if you have to move to a lower gear. I’m surprised more bikers don’t do that.
WDYLT - ILT on our off day tomorrow, we have an opportunity to float down the river near our camp in an inner tube. Weather looks good, so it should be fun.
Still amazed.