Jim Waving

Jim Waving

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Day 12 - Tombstone, AZ to Douglas, AZ

51.2 miles today
651.8 total trip miles
11.8 mph average
2132’ climbing
FF - 7
MP - my firstborn daughter Linda - nurse practitioner extraordinaire (soon to be PhD in nursing), she lived through Joanne & I learning to be parents.  I have always been able to have intelligent conversations with her & that has taught me a lot.

I feel like I’m repeating myself from yesterday, but today was another day of 2 distinct rides. Fortunately there was no rain, but like yesterday, the morning was a tough ride.  We climbed up to the Continental Divide near Bisbee on a cold & windy morning.  Here I am at the stone marker that shows the spot.  Notice the snowball on top of the stone.

We were told that a week ago they had 12” of snow.  Here is a picture from the Continental Divide down to the highway.

From that point, it was miles of downhill.  It reminded me of the planned bike ride down a mountain in Switzerland that I was never able to complete.  Long & winding, never pedaling, but using the brakes a lot.  It would have been more fun if there wouldn’t have been some sleet that made me nervous the road would get slick.

After that adventure we were in Bisbee, AZ, a town built around a huge copper mine.  Here are the remnants of that now defunct mine.

We had lunch in Bisbee, and after getting back on the bike had a 20 mile downhill into Douglas, AZ. That was the easiest riding of the trip so far.  Douglas is a border town & a local historian told us that 70% of the revenue in town comes from across the border.

WDYLT - ILT Honda is so serious about getting the defective airbags replaced in their cars that they have hired folks to go directly to people’s homes to do the job.  One of our riders does this as his retirement job.