Jim Waving

Jim Waving

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Day 29 - Blanco, TX to Lockhart, TX

62.8 miles today
1,591.5 total trip miles
14.6 mph average
2,116’ climbing
FF - 5
MP - My St Frances Cabrini Parish family in West Bend, WI.  When we moved to West Bend in 1991, we chose Cabrini because we felt the Spirit of God in the community.  Today I remember current & past members of this parish that has been important to me - educating my children, developing my faith & inspiring me to love as Jesus loved.

Today included just about everything possible for a bike ride - tough uphills, sharp downhills & flat land, rough roads with no shoulder & traffic,  smooth roads with nice shoulders & no traffic, headwinds, cross winds & tail winds.  A nice day to be on a bike.  Our 62.8 miles is even quite close to the 65 miles average for the entire trip.  I included a picture of Texas Hill Country the other day, but I have an even more accurate example.  The hill in the distance was one of the harder of the day & if you look close you can see bikers ahead of me taking it on.

I had an interesting surprise when I reached our lunch stop today at the Texas Pie Company in Kyle, TX.  Early bikers coming out said, “There’s someone looking for you inside”.  When I got in, I met Bob & Leah from Wisconsin.  Leah did the C2C in 2014 & they both have done a bunch of different rides.  They found my blog & have been following me along the way.  They were staying somewhere nearby & knew the route for today, so they left their car at the park we are camping at tonight, biked the 20 miles to Kyle, had lunch & then biked back to the park.  Here is a picture of the 3 of us.

When we arrived in Lockhart, the route took us past the courthouse & it is pretty impressive for a small Texas community.  Put my bike out front & got this picture.

Well, the weather is turning cold & windy for us again, so everyone is holing up inside their tents for the night & it isn’t even dark yet.  They all think that being from Wisconsin I am used to this stuff.  Little do they know that I’m the one that puts my long underwear on in October & wears it until May. Fortunately I brought enough layers to stay reasonably warm overnight, but there is no way for me to enjoy getting up in the morning in a tent when it is 40 degrees.  

WDYLT - ILT having a tailwind of 20 mph on a smooth, straight, level road means biking 20 mph requires very little effort.  Nice!