Jim Waving

Jim Waving

Monday, March 25, 2019

Day 24 - Comstock, TX to Bracketville, TX

76 miles today
1,324 total trip miles
13.5 mph average
1,361’ climbing
FF - 4
MP - Ray Brill (RIP) - a good friend since we were in 1st grade together.  Usually the smartest person in the room, but he didn’t believe it.  Music connoisseur who helped form my taste in music.  I miss him a lot.

Today started out cloudy with a slight mist, but warm enought to not be uncomfortable.  A couple of long, shallow climbs that I don’t mind.  The historical marker tour continues.  Here is an example of what I see.

I also am attempting to take a picture of every sign at the entrance to a city.  My favorites are the little green ones like this.

I have to admit that I have missed a few where it wasn’t safe to stop & take a picture, but so far there are about 20 in my collection.  Think I’ll make a collage when the trip is over.

One more long day of riding before a rest day.  Everyone is ready for that.

WDYLT - ILT the British parliament has voted to take authority away from the Prime Minister regarding the Brexit process.  I find that whole situation very interesting.  Doesn’t seem to me that there is going to be a good ending for England.

Day 23 - Sanderson, TX to Comstock, TX

85 miles today
1,248 total trip miles
13.4 mph average
2,434’ climbing
FF - 6
MP - sister-in-law Cindy Nickels & family.  She is always interested in what is going on in your life & it makes me feel important when she asks about what I'm up to.

Today was Historical Marker day.  I try to stop at every one, read it & take a picture.  Texas has a bunch of them.  Sometimes they even have a sign saying “Historical Marker 1 mile”, but then there isn’t one.  Can’t explain that.  The ride was tougher than I expected today, not because of the mileage (even though it was one of our longest days), or because of the amount of climbing (which was one of the biggest number of feet).  For me it has to do with how steep the hills are.  A short steep one I can handle no problem, but long & steep wears me out.  Glad to say I pedaled them all today & there were some nice downhills to balance out the climbs.  The terrain has changed.  No more mountains in the background like we’ve had for the past week or two.  And more vegetation, so there must be better soil & water supply.  We crossed the Pecos River & there was a nice overlook I got a picture from.  If you look closely, you will see a couple of bikers on the bridge.

Looking the other direction from the bridge I could see how the river carved out its passage in the rock, so I put my bike in front of it & took this picture.

I had the most unusual experience of the trip so far, & I doubt that anything more unusual will happen.  I arrived in camp about 4 PM, emptied out the bag on the back of my bike, took a shower, had dinner & attended the daily rider meeting.  About 7 PM, I was back at my tent getting ready for the next day’s ride.  I opened my bike bag, which was closed but not zipped.  Look what I found.

A pretty completely formed bird's nest!

WDYLT - ILT the birds at Seminole Canyon State Park are very industrious!