52.8 miles today
2,716.7 total trip miles
13.3 mph average
853’ climbing
FF - 3
MP - All people & groups unnamed as MP’s previous to today. The sad fact is that I had only 45 riding days to choose a Motivational Partner for. For that reason I have set aside this day for everyone I couldn’t name. This includes those I know personally, as well as musicians, writers, teachers & actors. Every connection has made me the person I am today & I am grateful for the wide variety of influences I have been exposed to.
This adventure is quickly coming to a close & fortunately Bubba knows the group needs to wind down so the last few days are reduced mileage & today we even had 20 miles on a bike trail rather than on a highway with traffic. Right off the trail outside of Gainesville is a large nature preserve with all kinds of wildlife. It was a great opportunity to get off the bike & look around.
I found it to be an interesting mixture of animals listed that might be on the trail. I didn’t see any of the listed animals, but it was a great place to go birding. This picture shows the swamp with a large Live Oak tree across the way.
My family is already gathered in St Augustine relaxing & touring the city. I still have 35 miles to pedal tomorrow & then dip my front wheel in the Atlantic Ocean to complete the Coast 2 Coast journey.
WDYLT - ILT the moss that commonly grows on the Live Oak trees & often hangs low is not really a part of the tree. It is a totally separate plant that just uses the Live Oak as a host.