Jim Waving

Jim Waving

Friday, September 8, 2023

Hutchinson to Spicer

 We started out this morning on the nicely paved Luce Line Trail, but after only 4 miles it became a gravel trail & we opted to ride the roads instead.  It was all two lane roads, mostly with a nice wide shoulder & I felt very safe.  There was some traffic on certain roads, but like yesterday they were courteous.  Didn't see any plastic animals today, but did stop to take a picture of some real wildlife.  Also saw some Canadian Geese flying over, but couldn't get a good picture.

We could tell we were really getting out in the country when we would roll through a town & there weren't even any restaurants to stop for lunch.  Fortunately there were some gas station/convenience stores where we could get something to eat.  A couple riders reported that when we were stopped in Grove City at a Cenex Station, the mayor came out to greet us.  He asked if we were staying in town, but I don't know where we could have stayed.  All we saw was the Cenex, a bar, a couple of churches & a large grain mill.  We were probably the closest they got to a celebrity today, and we felt very welcomed.

Our goal today was to get to Spicer, where we can pick up a nice trail.  The group tends to stretch out a bit on the roads because people ride at different paces.  I was riding close to a couple of others, when one of them took off ahead.  I thought he was going to try to catch the next group ahead, but when he got out far enough ahead, he stopped and took this nice picture of me and another recumbent rider.  Thanks to Jim Aldeman for sharing.

Total of 51 miles today.  Tomorrow we will be mostly on trails.