Jim Waving

Jim Waving

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Day 2 - Alpine, CA to Jacumba, CA

46 miles today
84 total trip miles
9.9 mph avg
3,645’ climbing
FF - 10
MP - The Tichenor Family -  they have adopted WDYLT more completely than anyone other than me & that alone inspired me to include them as an MP.  They are also just great people.

Today was without a doubt the most difficult day of biking that I have ever had.  For those of you paying attention you may say “How can that be.  He went faster today than yesterday”. The reason is the length & steepness of the hills.  There were some that I just couldn’t pedal up.  I wasn’t the only one that walked sometimes, but there were also a number of riders who didn’t walk at all.  Kudos to them.

The interesting thing I learned about myself through this experience is that after I had to walk for the 1st time it would have been very easy to just keep doing so any time a hill looked imposing.  Instead I dug deep & tried to pedal up everything.  Toward the end of the day there was a 3 mile climb with about a 6% grade.  I made it about 75% of the way before my body just wouldn’t do it.  There were a number of other hills where my persistence paid off & I made it riding.  I’m satisfied with my effort. My avg mph was helped tremendously by some long downhills mixed in during the day.

A couple of interesting facts:

It is legal to ride a bicycle on the interstate highway if no other roads are available.  We did that some today & will again tomorrow.  It actually felt safer than I expected.

Bicycle riders are some of the friendliest people I have ever encountered.  Here I am with a couple of new friends.

I have not experienced any flat tires yet, but other some riders have had 3 or 4.

Weather started out rainy again & it never really got warm all day.  That is supposed to change tomorrow.

Had our 1st view of the border wall with Mexico today.

WDYLT - ILT when climbing a hill it is better to do so in fog.  That way you can’t see how long it is & you have a better chance of making it up.  It’s very psychological.

If you’re having trouble understanding some of my acronyms like FF, MP, WDYLT, ILT go to the blog site & read the page “Understanding this Blog”