Jim Waving

Jim Waving

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Day 5 - Yuma, AZ to Dateland, AZ

71.9 miles today
277.3 total trip miles
13.7 mph avg
672’ climbing
FF - 3
MP - AD Carson from Recycled Recumbents.  I bought my 1st 2 recumbent bikes from him, he introduced me to the idea of a C2C bike ride & has a great slogan - “The best bike for you is one you will ride”

Today we biked through the Salad Bowl of America.   Irrigated by the Colorado River, this region grows vegetables all year around.  It goes on for miles, with mountains in the background.  We even saw a crew harvesting cabbages.  Ten or so people picked the cabbages by hand &set them on a conveyor machine that moves through the field with them.  The conveyor feeds a device that takes off the outer shell & deposits the head into a truck that is also moving along with them.

It was interesting to see all the different colors of green for the different crops as we rode through here.

Once we got past there, we really entered the desert.  Fortunately there was some cloud cover today, so the sunburn situation is getting better.  Roads were a little rough in places today (nothing like yesterday), but we finished the last 10 miles on I-8 & the shoulder was much smoother today.  Overall a pretty easy day even though this was our most mileage of the trip so far.

We are staying tonight in Dateland, AZ, home of the world famous date shake. (I never heard of them before now, so I don’t know how world famous they really are).  This is our 1st night of camping outdoors & it is a beautiful night to be in a tent.

WDYLT - ILT the world famous date shake tastes okay, but I still prefer something chocolate based.


  1. I love these updates, Dad! Keep them coming. I can picture it all, having ridden my bike in that area and having lived in the Southwest. This is awesome. I love your MP and your FF and all your stats. Thanks for including us on your amazing journey!

  2. Happy birthday Jim! What a great way to celebrate another year!! Enjoy the journey today!!

  3. Happy Birthday, Jim! Keep 'em crankin. I hope there is a lot of cake at the end of the road today.

  4. Hi Jim, you are definitely an inspiration! I enjoy reading about all of your adventures on the road. What an amazing way to see our great country!
